
Hello! I am Brian Wilson. Digital Marketer, Web Developer, and Marketing Strategist.

I have years of experience in Digital Marketing using various platforms such as Eloqua, HubSpot, Salesforce, and WordPress. I'm tech-savvy, driven, and love learning about the latest things in tech.

Basic Information
+1 (813) 816-1284
Tampa, Florida, USA
Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation

Use the data that you already have to improve your digital marketing efforts – and then automate it. Use what works, keep improving it, and let the system do the rest. Brian is an expert with lead scoring, persona segmenting, and automation setup on the HubSpot and Eloqua platforms. Simplify your marketing efforts and get more leads on auto pilot.

E-mail Nurturing
E-mail Nurturing

Bring your leads and contacts through your sales funnel. Segment and send targeted content that is relevant to them. Drive engagement and nurture them into the buying stage. Improve your brand awareness and support brand loyalty efforts.

Website Development
Website Development

Brian can build your website on WordPress or manage it on HubSpot and other platforms. Brian has years of CSS and HTML experience and has some knowledge of PHP and MySQL. Webmaster. Server migrations. SSL setup.

Search Engine Optimization

Competitive analyses and keyword research to gain intel on trending markets where your business can thrive. Use SEO to develop a content strategy that brings inbound leads.

Analytics Reporting
Analytics Reporting

You can’t make your marketing efforts better without the data to justify your decisions. Use reporting to efficiently allocate budgets and manpower toward the marketing campaigns that are working, and modify the ones that aren’t. Brian uses Google Analytics, Moz, Conductor Searchlight, Power BI, and other tools to suggest improvements to digital marketing efforts. Broken down in an easy to understand, visually appealing presentation. Make sure you’re getting an adequate ROI.

Content Copywriting
Content Copywriting

After doing SEO research, Brian can create a content strategy that will set your website up for success. Brian will write your content to target specific personas. This content creation comes in handy when building targeted email campaigns and creating engaging social media posts.

Social Media Management
Social Media Management

Keeping your content strategy in mind, Brian can create social media posts that drive engagement and build brand awareness. He uses state of the art systems to queue, publish, and interact with new followers. Social media can be an integral part of your approach to customer service. It can also help your brand be seen by more people and increase leads and growth.

Project Management
Project Management

Brian is an extremely organized project manager. He can handle all aspects of your digital marketing efforts and coordinate with other departments to get it done. Brian can help form the best digital marketing strategy for your business. Marketing Directors rest easy – with Brian, you’re in good hands.

Driven, Tech-Savvy, Ready To Perform

Brian focuses his skills on digital marketing, but he can help your business do more. He’s driven to learn at a fast pace. He has extensive computer and technical knowledge and can troubleshoot almost any problem. He even has some experience with green screens and video editing. He can collaborate with others, and work independently. He’s ready to get to work.

Work Experience

May 2019 - Present

Wolters Kluwer
Senior Marketing Operations Specialist

Responsible for managing the marketing tech stack. Focus on the technical, logistical, and coordination of lead generation and scoring efforts. Integrate applications to streamline workflows and increase reliance on automation to drive efficiency. Life-cycle email nurturing. Web manager, Google Analytics, and search engine optimization.

March 2018 - May 2019

Swope Rodante
Digital Marketing Specialist

Responsible for managing multiple web properties, social media accounts, and marketing automation efforts. Customized HubSpot to align with business strategies. Email marketing, lead generation, and WordPress expert.



B.S. Marketing
Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Minor in Political Science

University of South Florida

I attended Florida State University for my freshman year, and subsequently transferred to University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and a Minor in Political Science.

Contact Me
Feel free to contact me


Tampa, Florida, USA


+1 (813) 816-1284


[email protected]